Serendipity Flowers and Stuff
Establishment and florist at 727 22 Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0R6, Canada. Please contact Serendipity Flowers and Stuff using information below: address, phone, fax, email, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment Florist
727 22 Street West
Saskatchewan S7M 0R6
Get directions
+1 306-384-3003
Opening hours
Sunday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
Monday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
Tuesday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
Wednesday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
Thursday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
Friday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
Saturday | 09:00am — 06:00pm |
1 /5
Based on 1 reviews

Reviews of Serendipity Flowers and Stuff
- Omer Khan Added 2018-04-14★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Lady gave me the worst possible roses out of what she had left (there were nice ones and out of every pile there was a crappy one she made sure to give me as many crappy ones she could sneak in)
Serendipity Flowers and Stuff | Saskatoon 's Unique Florist
Serendipity Flowers and Stuff - Order flowers for same day delivery to Saskatoon, SK, S7M 0R6.
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